Improving Language Comprehension
“Brian loves to watch movies, but I’m concerned. He likes to re-tell his favorite action sequences, but it seems like he doesn’t really understand the movie. He also struggles with reading comprehension. Could this be related?”
Some children who do not have hearing loss, or difficulty speaking or any general developmental delay nonetheless have difficulty comprehending language. This is called a Specific Language Impairment. A Specific Language Impairment can interfere with a child’s ability do well academically, understand directions and enjoy stories and conversations.
Difficulty with language comprehension is sometimes mistaken for a reading comprehension difficulty. Further testing will reveal that the problem is comprehending all language, which many children can hide for a while until their reading falls drastically below grade level.
Carol Krakower, along with her daughter, Bridgette Proietti, who is also a speech pathologist, are currently researching and testing new treatments for specific language impairments, especially difficulty understanding narratives. If you feel that your child has difficulty understanding language, we will be happy to perform a thorough evaluation and discuss our current research with you.